The World Headline News

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Editor Ned Ander-Thal

Satire Since 1993

The World Headline News has faced significant challenges over its 30+ years of publication.  Among these issues have been contentious labor union negotiations (Ned's wife insists he take out the garbage), as well as the financial and ecological issues facing traditional print publications. Foremost among these challenges was the global deforestation arising from the HUGE circulation of the WHN.  To address the deforestation issue, the WHN has transitioned to the dangerous, but paper-free, world of the “internet” in 2013.  

Look for new  'electron rich' articles to appear semi-regularly...

... but only after Ned takes out the garbage.

The World Headline News was established by Ned Ander-Thal * on January 30, 1993 in Oakland, California, USA.  Within months of its founding, the paper was forced to flee California and found a temporary safe haven in Albany, New York, USA.  However, subsequent hard hitting WHN Editorials in 'Albania' resulted in the flight of the ‘newspaper’, and its founding family, to

Surrey, BC (! CANADA !) in 2002.

Canadians, eh, being so nice, have found it difficult to insist (ask yes, insist no) that the WHN go back to whence it came.  We plan to continue to abuse this Canadian hospitality and to eat the honey dip Timbits®...

About the


Surprisingly to some, many, if not most, of our WHN Exclusives are actually based on true facts and events ...even if they are, in some cases, alternative facts... This is particularly true of our political stories.

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Ned Ander-Thal

The Fresh Face of Journalism

Ned Ander-Thal

The Wizened Man of Journalism today

Mark Scott:  Before the Eye Transplant

* With the technical assistance of Mark D. Scott

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NOTICE:  Obviously No INTELLIGENCE (Artificial or Otherwise) is used during the production of the World Headline News.  All photos are individually HANDCRAFTED by an Albanian refugee (squatting within the cavernous WHN World Headquarters in Almost Washington State) using RECYCLED electrons obtained from potentially 'legal'-ish sources. While it may be hard to believe, the WHN is a drug (and gluten) free workplace. Bribes, and the much less common subscription fee, are gladly accepted.

Our (Sordid) History