The World Headline News

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Editor Ned Ander-Thal

Satire Since 1993

Coming 2025 Sequel to:

The Apprentice: White House Edition [2016-2020]

Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue 2:


WHN EXCLUSIVE: Trump flees voters in a stolen Harris-Walz Edition Biden Bubblemobile in an attempt to throw voters and "The Law" off his trail. Special Prosecutor Jack Smith tracks him down and prosecutes him to the fullest extent of the law. While on bail, Mr. Trump flees to Russia. © 2024 Ned Ander-Thal, World Headline News

WHN EXCLUSIVE:  Northbound traffic camera photo of Ned Ander-Thal captured at 3:47 am on November 6, 2024 as Mr. Ander-Thal fled the Harris campaign headquarters as the dismal election returns came in. Mr. Ander-Thal is wanted on several counts including failure to obey the speed limit... as he was going 45 mph in a 65 mph zone and driving an electric vehicle - both capital offenses in the Trump's NEW and IMPROVED America. The WHN, in response to the charges, states: "Editor Ander-Thal, while an unreliable employee, a known scoundrel as well as a low life lothario, should be presumed innocent until his almost certain conviction. We stand by him ... with like 27%, no make that 17%, certainty that he will beat this crime just like he has with all the other horrendous crimes he has committed."  © 2024 Ned Ander-Thal, World Headline News

World Headline News EXCLUSIVES

AMERICA has CHOSEN and it's:

November 7, 2024

•  Issue 192 (of 200?)

The BC Provincial Election was finally decided ~10 days after the election as multiple ridings (seats) were too close to call necessitating recounts. Mr. Eby's NDP emerged with a 1 seat majority over Mr. Rustad's Conservatives.  Per Mr. Eby, "This strong mandate will allow me to govern with impunity." Oh, wait, that is a Trump quote.

Almost Washington State (WHN) November 7, 2024. The Trump transition team has released a northbound Washington D.C. traffic camera photo of Ned Ander-Thal in his 2024 Biden-Bubblemobile (Harris Edition) fleeing the "Harris Victory Party" early on the morning of November 6, 2024.  Mr. Trump's team has announced that Mr. Ander-Thal is now one of "Trump's 10 Most Wanted Fugitives". Intelligence data suggests that the WHN Editor is fleeing, once again, to CANADA.  However, due to the limited cruising range (~20 km), coupled with a minimum recharge time of 24 hours, of the Biden/Harris Bubblemobile, Mr. Ander-Thal can only 'hope' to make it back to sanctuary, er, Canada before the January 20, 2025 swearing in of Mr. Trump.

Retired Army General, and Trump pardoned  QAnon follower, Michael Flynn, Mr. Trump presumed Secretary of Homeland Defense, states that he is "confident that Mr. Trump's devote militias, which he, with typical foresight, mobilized on November 4, will be successful in 'removing' Mr. Ander-Thal before he reaches sanctuary in Trudeau's Canada."  In addition Mr. Flynn stated, "Canada as it exists, can not remain.  While we have hopes that the Honorable Pierre Poilievre, a non-woke supporter of Mr. Trump, will take control of Canada in the near future, we can not allow dissident Americans such as the nefarious Mr. Ander-Thal, to take refuge within Canada in the near term.  Hence, in addition to the 'Orange Militias', Mr. Trump will be mobilizing America's military to guard the northern border and, if needed ... that is if Mr. Trudeau and the Liberals remain in control... to invade America junior.  It is time to re-unite the two countries under one GREAT and HISTORICAL leader.... No, not Canada's King Charles III, though British forces did defeat the three American armies that invaded Canada in the War of 1812 [see footnote at page bottom], but Emperor 47, er, President Trump.  All Hail Our Great Orange Overlord!"  

Dangerous 1st Amendment Criminal Flees The USA Towards Canada

American Militias on the Hunt!

Ned Ander-Thal when reached via cell phone by WHN Office staff stated, "I should have bought the damn MAGA Mean Machine, it was fast and it had a 50 caliber machine gun that I could have used to out run and maybe outgun tRump's militias. Damn, I've only made it 20 blocks and I've already got to recharge the f!&#*@% batteries again!  They said this thing got the equivalent of 1,000 miles per gallon... what they didn't say is that the battery is composed 46, slowly rechargeable AAA batteries that are the equivalent of 0.02 gallons of gas...." Unexpectedly (?), our phone conversation ended as sirens, popping noises, and something that sounded like "rump, rump, rump" were heard as Ned's phone cut out....possibly (?!) due to low power as the phone is powered by the car's battery.

NOTE: In the likely (?, or is that guaranteed) event Editor Ander-Thal does not survive his return to Canada, the World Headline News will be advertising for a new Editor.  

Salary is commensurate with experience. Ned made $0.02 (Canadian) per year... which he generously gave back. He was always saying, "Here's my 2 cents...." Submit YOUR application today!!

WHN EXCLUSIVE:  The sequel to The Apprentice: White House Edition (2017-2020) has been green-lit by AMERICA . The new series is entitled: Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue 2: Vengeance Will Be MINE! Episode 1 will be airing worldwide starting on January 20, 2025! A planned preview scheduled for January 6, 2025 was cancelled consequent to popular (and Electoral) demands.  © 2024 Ned Ander-Thal, World Headline News


Trump: 312  Harris: 226

(270 needed to win)

Data from Nov. 27, 2024 @10:00 pm

OOPS! Editor Ned Ander-Thal Was In USA To Celebrate Harris Victory

Deja Vu - (Again?!)


POPULAR VOTE:   50.0% vs 48.4%

Trump: 76,916,849  Harris: 74,441420,


Almost Washington State (WHN) November 7, 2024.   In exciting news [EDITOR: Well, it definitely made my heart beat faster... and erratically..] the sequel to The Apprentice: White House Edition [2017-2020] was been green-lit by AMERICA on November 5, 2024. The new series starring Donald J. Trump has been titled: Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue 2: Vengeance Will Be MINE! The first episode will be airing worldwide on January 20, 2025 - though rumors persist that there was an unnamed pilot episode that was aired on January 6, 2020!

This is a can't miss series [EDITOR: literally the world can't miss it because it has been signed to a 4 year run] that will be full of action, comedy, lewd behavior, as well as multiple shocking twists and turns with story lines drawn directly from President-Elect Donald Trump's 'ELECTION TO-DO LIST' [Trump: "Not to be confused with Arnold Palmer's erection to-do list!"]. The series, Rated "A+" for Autocracy, will run 24/7 until its constitutionally mandate cancellation on January 20, 2029.  However, though rumors suggest that Mr. Trump will endeavor to postpone the cancellation date indefinitely suggesting that ".. maybe Don Jr. or Barron might assume my throne...".  

Many critics, including the WHN's own Ned Ander-Thal, have stated that the show may not be suitable for thinking mature adults; but Joe Rogan fans, flat-earthers, conspiracy lovers and vaccine haters will LOVE IT.  Other media critic such as Melania Trump disagree saying: "Donald 'Be Best' Freddie Krueger ever.  He slash everything...things like education, social services, science, EPA, SEC and more."  Some people have asked, nay demanded, that the sequel series be canceled, but that can not occur as previously shown by the unwillingness of the U.S. to convict in two previous cancellation attempts.

Story Lines Straight From Trump's Campaign TO-DO LIST!

• Trumplicans NOW CONTROL Senate

• Trumplicans RETAIN CONTROL of House

• Trumplicans CONTROL Supreme Court

• Trumplicans NOW CONTROL Executive Branch

USA Has THREE EQUAL Branches of





BC Election UPDATE!


Democrats             Dreams

WHN EXCLUSIVE: President-Elect Harris wins Popular Vote and Electoral College Vote and tells Mr Trump, "Donald, America says you are STILL FIRED!" © 2024 Ned Ander-Thal, World Headline News


President-Elect Kamala Harris wins the election by a knockout! Trump graciously concedes....

© 2024 Ned Ander-Thal, World Headline News

"Hey World,

I'm BACK!"