60 Days of the UNICORN
Biden's First 60 Days

UNICORN Spotted In D.C.
Almost Washington State (WHN) March 31, 2021. Using advanced mathematics, Chief WHN Political Reporter Ned Ander-Thal reports that President Biden has now been in office for slightly over 60 days.... sadly we are not sure how many days over 60 as we only have 60 fingers and toes amongst the home office staff... 4 hands, 4 feet and 4 paws....
Despite his mathematical limitation, Mr. Ander-Thal has been able to confirm reports that Mr. Biden has accomplished much during this time. Indeed, since January 20, the US has administered ~100,000,000 doses (~5,000,000 hands, feet, and/or paws) of the COVID-19 vaccines. Indeed, rumors persist in the White House that Mr. Biden has personally vaccinated more than 2,000,000 of those individuals... though, again, the WHN's Science Reporter Ned Ander-Thal can only confirm that Mr. Biden may have administered more than 60 doses... again due our previously described computational challenges.
WHN EXCLUSIVE: A jubilant President Biden announces, "Vaccines for everyone!" Eschewing the Presidential limousine, Mr. Biden rode through the streets of Washington D.C. on the Presidential Unicorn; prompting people to ask, "What is that masked horse?" World Headline News © 2021 Ned Ander-Thal.
Is it 'Saint' Biden?

In light of his selfless service, it has been rumored that Mr. Biden, well known for his strong Catholic faith, is being vetted by the Vatican for Beatification, the first step for eventual Canonization (Sainthood). However, there are some concerns that Mr. Biden does not qualify for Beatification because, well, he isn't dead.
According to the Archbishop of Surrey (Canada), the esteemed Monsignor Neander Thalensis, "While the Church normally only proceeds with beatification and canonization after the death of the individual, Mr. Biden's case is moving forward based on the claims of multiple Republicans that Mr. Biden IS dead, or at least brain dead. Indeed, these Republican claims of Mr. Biden's death, but his continued work in battling the COVID-19 plague is ONE of the two required miracles, post death, that must be confirmed upon the road to Sainthood. The second miracle, while still being vetted, may be the restoration of America's world standing. Only a true Saint could repair the damage done to America by the former President tRump!"
WHN EXCLUSIVE: Will this be Mr. Biden's official Presidential portrait. According to sources, The portrait, painted by the renowned artist and Renaissance man Ned Ander-Thal, is in stark contrast to the portrait that Mr. Ander-Thal painted of Mr. Trump ( February 17, 2018 • Issue 102). World Headline News © 2021 Ned Ander-Thal.
March 31, 2021 • Issue 151
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World Headline News